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“I just want to thank you SO MUCH for monitoring Highmark’s premium rate increases.

A few months ago, I was notified by Highmark that, as of July 2020 my premium was to by close to 20%. I was shocked, but I am a believer in having good healthcare and I decided I would be able to afford it, if I budget carefully. Still I was concerned about how others would handle such an increase

I just got a letter yesterday that the Delaware Department of Insurance did an audit of the premium adjustments and my premium was calculated incorrectly.

My new adjusted rate will be an increase of less than 10%. Thank you for staying on top of this.

I am a native Californian, but I am proud to live in Delaware, where government officials and their staff are truly looking out for consumers.”

— Susan T

“I was desperately battling my health insurance company over several baseless denials for a necessary cervical surgery to alleviate 24/7 nerve pain in my right arm and neck.  The insurance denials and subsequent appeals had been going on for over a month before I sent Trinidad Navarro an email inquiring about assistance with this.  Trinidad and his team responded within ½ hour, requested documents, and jumped on the case that afternoon.  They made sure that I got the surgery that I needed and that the insurance company covered it.  Without their assistance, I feel that I would still be tied up with appeals and denials.  Trinidad and his team played a crucial role in my recovery, I only wish I went to them sooner.”

— David Parkinson, Wilmington, DE

“Our daughter was involved in a minor accident, however her car was totaled. The insurance company only offered us $6,000 for a car worth $10,000. After personally speaking with Commissioner Navarro, his office was able to help us with a final settlement of $9,400. We are so grateful to Trinidad Navarro and his team.”

— Aaron B., Middletown, Delaware

“In January 2020 I was in critical condition with pulmonary embolisms causing stress on the heart. Medical experts mandated that I be transported by helicopter ambulance from a small ER in Davenport, WA to a major trauma center Spokane, WA. The cost of that helicopter flight was $42,283.00. My insurance company, based and incorporated in the state of Delaware, declined to honor the charges for the helicopter. Instead, they paid for what they dictated ambulance would have cost – $879.80. That left me responsible for the balance of $41,403.20. I followed the health insurance company protocol and submitted an appeal, which was promptly denied. I then submitted a second written appeal with documentation to an outside arbitration service. It too was denied. Having run out of options, I reached out to Commissioner Navarro for assistance. His staff began working on my situation immediately. In a matter of only a couple days, my health insurance provider reversed their denial and paid the helicopter service. Thank you, Commissioner Navarro for your continued leadership and public service to the citizens of Delaware, and beyond.”

— Rand T., Davenport, Washington

“Prior to retiring from my former job with a State Agency, I met with an HR Rep to sign all the retirement papers, including my health care coverage. I was provided with official paperwork indicating I would be covered by the company’s health insurance plan for an entire month after my retirement date. This coverage was very important because I was scheduled for a surgical procedure the week following my retirement date.

When the Physician’s office called me to confirm my health insurance coverage, they advised me that my insurance had been terminated. With my procedure only days away I immediately contacted the HR Department and was informed that the HR Rep who processed my retirement paper work made a mistake and incorrectly canceled my Insurance coverage. When I asked if she could reinstate the coverage for my procedure she said there was nothing she could do and that I was on my own. Knowing that I needed to find some help ASAP, I contacted Trinidad Navarro, the Insurance Commissioner for the State of Delaware. Within minutes of me explaining my situation to Mr. Navarro, he got the ball rolling! Later that evening I received a call from Mr. Navarro’s office advising me that, not only will my procedure be covered, all other outstanding bills will be also – and they were! We are very thankful for Commissioner Navarro and all of the wonderful people at the Department of Insurance.”

— Alphonso D, New Castle, Delaware

“Thank you so very much for your quick response and for the Commissioner Navarro’s attempts to contact us. We sincerely appreciate your responsiveness and are more than pleased to find out that your office had completed an audit of Highmark which found that many rate increases were incorrect.

We have heard good things about the Delaware Insurance Department, Commissioner Navarro and his staff and they apparently are all true. It is truly refreshing to see a government agency that really cares!

Again, thank you for the explanation and for your diligence in responding.”

— Marty and Chris G

“Our daughter was involved in a property damage accident that was the other driver’s fault. The police report confirmed this. The other driver was insured by a large insurance company that acknowledged fault, but only offered to pay 80% of that damage. Dealing with the company was exhausting, and we were not getting anywhere. I felt bullied by the big company and reached out to Insurance Commissioner Trinidad Navarro’s office.

In less than a week, they dealt with top legal management at the big insurance company, and we had an email confirming full payment for our damage. We were grateful for the fine work done by Commissioner Navarro’s office in standing up for us against this company. This is how government is supposed to work.”

— Deborrah S